Wednesday, November 20, 2013

A Little Leaven

I love rolls.  There is something wonderful about a fresh, homemade roll warm from the oven.  My mom was the best at making rolls and we loved to help her make lots of them for Thanksgiving.  Our kitchen would be covered in flour and our tummies full of dough.  We would bake for hours to have enough.  I was reminded of this memory when I was reading in Galatians 5:9 about how it only takes a little leaven to raise the whole batch.  It struck me because the yeast in my mothers rolls made all of the difference.  If the kitchen was too cold or the water too hot, the yeast would not work right and if the yeast didn't work, then you had dense rolls that no one wanted to eat.  The best part about rolls is how light and fluffy they are.  I can't imagine rolls without yeast to make them rise.  It is a small ingredient but very important to the success of the batch.  I know there wouldn't have been as much excitement for a little solid hard roll.  They are just not the same without the yeast to make them light and fluffy.  It made me start to wonder about how often we don't add the leaven in our lives.  When we don't take the time to add the ingredient that will raise our life and make it light and fluffy.   The little things that makes our souls expand and life be lighter, better.  I believe the leaven in our lives is added when we are good examples of the truth we know.  When we follow the example of Jesus Christ we are adding the leaven to our life.   If we believe in Jesus Christ then we need to add our example of Him to our life, so we can be raised and those around us can be raised as well.  Like the scripture said, " a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump".    We too can elevate those around us by trying to live lives full of service to our fellow men and sharing the truth we know.  Recently I made a batch of rolls to share.  I made one batch with yeast and the other without.  I put both batches in a basket and set them out on the table.  No one picked the roll without yeast.  I pointed out to the kids that no one had picked the little hard rolls.  I explained, they were made exactly the same.  There was just one ingredient missing in the little hard ones.  I told them about the yeast and how it is needed to raise the dough.  I also told them about how important it is for them to be the yeast in the world.  No one wants to live a life hard and small like the roll that had no yeast.  I told them they could do big things and have a positive effect on those around them if they are an example, like the leaven so to speak, in a world where hearts are hard.  Try this experiment yourself.  Share kindness and see if the mood of everyone around you raises.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I must be Awesome!

We had a fun experiment at our elementary in the month of February where the students were given heart shaped sticky notes to write kind things about each other and post them on other's lockers without being caught.
A tough boy, one that you wouldn't think would be interested in the kindness hearts activity, tracked the principle down in the hall.  He excitedly told her that he had received two hearts on his locker. "They both said that I was awesome" he told her,  "so I must be awesome!"  He had concluded.
Isn't it amazing what a simple compliment can do to someone's identity.  He believed that he was awesome because two people had said the same thing about him so it must be true.
It doesn't take a lot to make a difference.

Making someones day, may be just a sticky note away.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Real Easter Egging

We just wanted to share a way to have fun celebrating Easter while still remembering what the holiday is about.  We love the idea of Easter egging, but this just adds a little something special to it.  I had fun the other night with my children taking them around to surprise others with a treat with a purpose.  It didn't cost much to add a little excitement to another families' night.  We got a bag of 48 eggs at Walmart for $2, and then a few bags of wrapped candy for $10.  That was $12 for 4 families.  It was fun assembling all of the eggs and then printing off the notes to go with them.  We loaded up in our huge diesel van and were off to try to sneak a treat onto some of our neighbors door steps without getting caught.  It was fun to try, but because of our loud van and little children it was nearly impossible.  As we were out the children thought of many more families that they wanted to do so we are going to do more tomorrow night and take a quieter car.  We would have done more that night but it got too late.  My son who is in Jr High asked, " are we going to do this every night until Easter"?  I said, "yes", and to my surprise he said, "good".  Even cool teenage boys enjoy this activity.  We hope that your family will have fun starting a tradition of egging others.   We know that this is one of the highlights for us.  Copy the image above and then fold it in half.  Put the "We've been egged" part up taped to the porch and then hide the eggs, ring the bell and run.
                                     Here are some fun pictures of us going out to egg someone.
                                                   Everyone loading in the van to go

                                          Table full of treats ready to be delivered

counter full of dishes that will be left until tomorrow.
Kindness never gets done if we have to do the dishes first.  At least not at my house.  Enjoy.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Easter "Egging"

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since we started this MiteE Experiment in kindness.  The first official challenge was to go and Easter "Egg" someone.  We had so much fun "egging" others with kindness that we are excited to repeat it again this year.  Enjoy being creative about how you "egg" others.  Drop off an unexpected treat, a dozen eggs with dye,  or  Easter egg shaped paper with kind words written on them taped to their door.  Share what you did and you will be entered into our drawing for a $100 Walmart gift card.  Make this Easter "egg"ceptional by hopping on over to someone's house and  surprising them with a fun Easter treat.  Use this fun tag to explain why they were "egged".  Enjoy

Saturday, January 19, 2013

MiteE Blankets

My Friend Dianne shared this story about the first project that she did with her MiteE Team.  She created a group to do service together.  This is her story of how their first project went.  Thanks for sharing Dianne, we look forward to hearing about more MiteE things that you are doing.

When I decided to form my own MiteE Team, I thought a lot about who I would ask to join with me to inspire, uplift and serve others.  I prayed for help.  I came up with a list of people who I know that are service oriented and motivated by positive contributions. I am drawn to others  who have talents and gifts in many different areas and are in different life stages and circumstances.  Many of the people I approached were ones that have blessed my life through service or have worked along side on different projects.  I had enthusiastic responses from everyone.  We were ready!

I had a team gathered, but I was having a hard time coming up with a kick off project.  One morning I prayed that I would be able to see a need and fill it through our project.  That day I got an email from the widowed husband of a friend of mine that had a 3+ year battle with cancer.  He was expressing his appreciation and love to those that helped, served and comforted him the last several years as they fought cancer.  At the end of his email he said that he wanted to do something to help others ease the burden of a chronic medical condition Degeorge Disease.  He has a grandson that suffers with it and wanted to bring comfort and hope to the support group of caregivers and the suffers of this disease.  He decided to make fleece blankets to give to all the people affected by Degeorge and the annual Christmas party.  Donations in time, fleece, and making were requested.  I knew I had found the project that I wanted to do! 
I called my team and gave them the details and we set the date and time which was earlier this week.  We had a great time.  We ended up making 16 blankets in 2 hours and had a great activity!
Making blankets...