Please go and Egg someone this Easter.
We want you to do what?" That's right, go "Egg" someone.
Get a group together and write kind things on paper, put them in some plastic eggs, add candy if you want, then leave them in someone's yard, on their porch, or in their locker and then run.
When they find out they have been "egg"ed it will make their day.
For the past three years we have done this as a MiteE Team, and it is one of our favorite activities. There is something fun about "egg"ing others on through kindness. Make this a fun part of your holiday tradition.
Add a twist at school, play pass the egg.
Copy this note and then write a personal note on a paper as well put it in a plastic egg.

Surprise someone by giving them the "egg" full of thoughtfulness. Then they must write a kind note and pass it to someone else. See how far kindness can go in your school or home.
Share this "egg"ceptional game at your school. Enjoy