Saturday, September 15, 2012

Personal Rewards

I was busy last Saturday in my kitchen getting some things done while most of my younger children were playing up in their playroom.  A few of them came down to get some things and I started hearing some giggling.  My eight year old daughter was smiling and walking out of the kitchen backwards with something behind her back.  I asked her what she was doing and she smiled even bigger and said,"nothing", as she continued to walk backwards towards the stairs.  This really peeked my interest because anytime you hear giggling and have a child hide something behind their back with a smile, it makes you wonder what is up.  I insisted that she show me what she was hiding and she pulled out a paper with the MiteE team "You've been served paper".  She told me that they had cleaned the playroom to surprise me and then were going to leave the paper so that I would know that I was served by the MiteE Team.  It was cute.  I am grateful to my MiteE kids who have caught the vision of working together to serve.  This was my personal reward.  Thank-you.

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